Unintelligible Marxist Wins in Pennsylvania, Flips a Senate Seat


Pennsylvania is lost as their Senate seat flips to Democrats. They chose a far-left Marxist who has serious language and processing problems. As Buck Sexton said on Twitter, “People who voted for John Fetterman are why reality and rationality no longer matter in politics, just party identity and raw power.”

This flips a Senate seat from retiring Republican Pat Toomey.

We can’t talk about John Fetterman without talking about the youth vote. Almost 79% of young people voted for Democrats in the early vote, and more than 70% of young people voted for Democrats based on Pennsylvania’s exit polls. Young voters helped turn Pennsylvania blue. Fetterman’s win is a bad sign as state after state falls to the hard-left Democrats.

This election gives them encouragement to continue moving far left.

Fetterman won by mostly hiding from the public.

If Republicans can’t flip the Senate as the country is being destroyed, they can’t win. There was no red wave.

Illegal Electioneering

Fetterman, who lived off his parents until he was 50, won’t understand much, but he will vote with Biden 100%.

The US flips toward the hard left. Communist Democrats can’t even lose when they’re starting wars, promoting criminals, leaving borders open, and destroying the economy. Cartels have operational control of our borders!

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