US Health Officials Call for Annual COVID Vaccinations


US health officials want to make COVID vaccinations into an annual flu-type shot. The FDA on Monday proposed a once-a-year shot to protect against the mutating virus, reports AP.

The AP quotes officials saying it will make getting shots easier for Americans. They won’t have to keep track of all those shots.

Boosters no longer sell since you have to get one every two months, and it might not even protect you from anything. They are also putting them out now without randomized, double-blind studies.


After hearing the shots last about two months and herd immunity doesn’t work (CDC), they now say that annual shots will be fine for most Americans between the two.

“The FDA will ask its panel of outside vaccine experts to weigh in at a meeting Thursday. The agency is expected to take their advice into consideration while deciding future vaccine requirements for manufacturers.”

“In documents posted online, FDA scientists say many Americans now have “sufficient preexisting immunity” against the coronavirus because of vaccination, infection or a combination of the two. That baseline of protection should be enough to move to an annual booster against the latest strains in circulation and make COVID-19 vaccinations more like the yearly flu shot, according to the agency.

“For adults with weakened immune systems and very small children, a two-dose combination may be needed for protection. FDA scientists and vaccine companies would study vaccination, infection rates, and other data to decide who should receive a single shot versus a two-dose series.

“FDA will also ask its panel to vote on whether all vaccines should target the same strains. That step would be needed to make the shots interchangeable, doing away with the current complicated system of primary vaccinations and boosters.”

Do the mandates come along with these expensive shots? We’re guessing they do.

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