Victor Davis Hanson on the Israel War


Victor Davis Hanson explains his view on the Israel war, and it’s more optimistic than that of Col. Macgregor’s, which I posted earlier here.

He thinks Hamas and Iran underestimated the Israeli reaction to the genocidal Hamas attack.

Twenty-one percent of Israel is Palestinian, and they are free, active in Parliament, and living well. That does not fit the definition of genocide. If they were trying to commit genocide, they wouldn’t drop leaflets telling them to leave. As Hanson says, Israel doesn’t fit any definition of committing Palestinian genocide. Hamas is killing their own people and using them as human shields.

Toward the end, Hanson reviews some of the administration’s mistakes that encouraged Hamas to do what they did. Biden lifted sanctions, provided them with additional funds for ransoms, and criticized Israel – that gave Hamas the idea the US was distancing itself from Israel. He said it’s kind to warn the enemy.

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