Violent Trans Activist Men Attack Posie Parker in New Zealand


Posie Parker, also known as Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, is a women’s rights activist, and she is committing the unforgivable sin of standing up for the two-gender science that is now considered heresy. She travels the West demanding women be allowed to speak and gets called a Nazi for saying it. Nazi is now used as a synonym for the witches of the 1600s.

Her crime is to define a woman as an “adult, human female.”

Recently, Posie was in New Zealand standing up for women’s and girls’ rights as nasty groups of trans activist men attacked her for just speaking. The police mostly stood down and later told her she was lucky to be alive.

When Posie arrived in New Zealand, a border force officer offered a queue jump, and led her into a room where they took apart her luggage, searched it, and questioned her for two hours. The hotel canceled when she was in the air claiming the police had visited them.

She won’t be stopped and can’t let a horrible mob get away with this abuse. She has a daughter and won’t surrender female spaces to these thugs.

JK Rowling slammed an ex-SNP councilor Austin Sheridan for “having a right old laugh” after pro-trans activist crazies in New Zealand covered Posie with tomato soup.

The trans activists are setting back the cause of women. We had a good situation in the West. No longer. We are losing all we’ve gained as certain men like Austin join in the fun. He thinks laughing at violence against a woman is good old-fashioned fun.

Rowling called the “mob” “repellant.” Trans activists are out of control throughout the West and are hurting women. It needs to stop. Speak up!

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