VP Pence hits Harris on Joe plagiarizing Trump’s virus plan


Vice President Pence hit Kamala Harris on Joe plagiarizing Trump’s coronavirus plan. They really did copy it, almost exactly. It was an important point since Joe Biden is a known plagiarist.

Harris was promoting her virus plan but her plan is Trump’s plan. Biden stole it.

“When you read the Biden plan it reads a lot like what Trump and I have been doing every step of the way,” Pence told Sen. Harris, noting advanced testing and building up personal protective equipment. “It looks a little bit like plagiarism, something Joe Biden knows a little bit about.”

His original plan was to actually do nothing and not have any travel bans.



In March, President Trump made it absolutely clear he was opposed to corporations using coronavirus relief funds to engage in stock buybacks. He said he would support legislation prohibiting it.

A day later, Joe Biden just called for the same thing – yet again following President Trump’s lead.

It’s not the first time Joe Biden has plagiarized President Trump’s coronavirus response action plan. Biden’s remarks on his plan to fight coronavirus largely cribbed from actions the Trump Administration had already taken.

Again in March, Biden called for President Trump to use the Defense Production Act right after President Trump announced he had already activated it.

If Biden wins, he will be the first U.S. President Plagiarist:

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