Biden to let Foreigners get citizenship without an FBI name check


Center for Immigration Studies Director of Regulatory Affairs and Policy Robert Law writes that sources with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) indicated that the Biden administration is planning to drop the standard FBI name vetting process for legal immigrants applying to gain American citizenship.

Up until the Biden administration, any foreigner applying for US citizenship had to go through an FBI name check to determine if s/he’s in a criminal database. That is going to end.

Law writes:

According to multiple U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) sources, the agency is close to finalizing a policy that will drop FBI name checks as a form of vetting for naturalization applicants. This is not a simple case of swapping out one form of vetting for another. As a reminder, the Biden administration already killed a finalized USCIS biometrics rule that would have replaced the current outdated and incomplete screening and vetting techniques that expose the country to fraud and exploitation, plus public safety and national security concerns. All the Biden team had to do was submit this rule to the Federal Register for publication, but instead, they sent it to the regulatory graveyard by formally withdrawing the rule.

This administration has destroyed our borders. We don’t have borders.

This is a dangerous policy and the excuse is that it restores faith in our legal immigration systems and strengthens integration and inclusion for New Americans.

Biden, of course, means new Americans who will only vote for Democrats. One of the Democrat voting blocs is criminals.

Additionally, Biden requested that federal agencies do everything in their authority to boost American citizenship naturalization rates for legal immigrants.

More voters for Democrats.

Already, the U.S. naturalizes hundreds of thousands of legal immigrants every year. In 2019, for instance, more than 843,500 legal immigrants became naturalized citizens — an 11 percent increase from the year before when nearly 762,000 legal immigrants became naturalized citizens.

Legal immigrants from Mexico dominate the naturalization process, as well as nationals from India, the Philippines, China, and Cuba. California, with nearly 150,000 newly naturalized citizens in 2019, has the highest rate of any state in the country. Texas, with 97,675 naturalizations in 2019, follows along with Florida with more than 96,000 naturalizations in 2019.

Biden doesn’t care that the American public doesn’t want this.

The changing demographics more and more make us into a one-party country. And, since Democrats are socialists and communists, that is a catastrophe.

Last month, we reported that the Biden administration is planning to hide the gang history of foreign nationals seeking green cards to permanently resettle in the U.S.  They will get Green Cards no matter what, so they can vote for Democrats. Gangs are welcomed.

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