The Conservative Treehouse calls Bill Barr “Bondo Bill” for fulfilling his role as a fixer covering the rot in DC. Bondo Bill works for us or Big Bad Bill. Both fit. In February of this year, we wrote about how Bondo was helping Biden with the writing of all those horrendous executive orders Senile Joe passed in the first weeks of his administration. Bondo also suppressed election fraud investigations.
There were over 1,000 witnesses and he didn’t interview even one. In December 2020 he said there was no massive fraud but he timed this latest interview to water down the Maricopa results.
As Attorney General, Bill Barr didn’t just ignore voter fraud in the 2020 election: he actively worked to suppress any investigations into voter fraud. Tony Shaffer was on a recent podcast and said Barr called him PERSONALLY to stop investigating voter fraud.
You won’t believe this – it’s brief, do listen to it:
And About Those Executive Orders
Peter Navarro reported:
“Trump’s last Attorney General actually also turns out to be Joe Biden’s first Attorney General,” Navarro stated. “Because here is what was happening. We had over 30 executive orders queued after election day, ready to go. But we kept running into all of these roadblocks and roadblocks and hurdles. It turns out that Bill Barr’s office of legal counsel was fast-tracking these Biden EOs.”
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Barr’s office fast-tracked Biden Executive Orders instead of pushing Donald Trump’s while Trump was in office.
“And basically, it was a Deep State queue,” he added. “Now, this has implications, Maria. I will tell you about one that got away from us. And I will tell you about one that Biden did. The first one that Biden did was an abomination. We did a beautiful executive order… to prevent the Communist Chinese from selling bulk power equipment into our electricity grid.”
“So, we had this beautiful order,” he went on. “One of the orders that Bill Barr helped Joe Biden do was to basically unwind that.”
Newsmax’s Emerald Robinson mentioned it today and it does deserve to be repeated. People forget just how bad Bondo could be.
2/ BREAKING VIDEO: Bill Barr helped Biden Admin setup his first week’s 28 executive orders while delaying Trump’s EOs in his final days.
— Cardinal Conservative (@CardinalConserv) February 8, 2021
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