California Is Killing Bacon and Eggs


As we reported last week, Farmer John, a Smithfield meat-packing plant in Vernon, had to close due to escalating costs and regulations as well as pressure from Peta for pigs. It’s only the beginning. Kiss eggs and bacon goodbye – California already has.

Last year, we reported about the dim future for pork in California, and now it’s here.

We all want happy, healthy pigs.

California has begun enforcing an animal welfare proposition approved overwhelmingly by voters in 2018 (62%). It requires more space for breeding pigs, egg-laying chickens, and veal calves. Producers say they don’t have enough time to comply.

National veal and egg producers are optimistic they can meet the new standards, but only 4% of hog operations complied by last August with the new rules.

Californians won’t have pork unless they can pay handsomely.

It sounds good when people vote. Sure, it’s a great idea. They want more space for the pigs. Everyone wants them to have a happy life, but that means we don’t get to eat meat or eggs.

The animal rights groups like PETA are making our food “ethical” which means expensive. For example, free range is now a must but it means different things depending on where it’s used.

When hens in the UK had to be kept inside during the Avian flu outbreak, they lost their free range status. Farmers were able to get around it in that one instance.

The RSPCA makes absurd rules in response to the extremists.

The RSPCA states that chickens must have a defined amount of space (no more than 13 birds a square metre), be 56 days old before they are slaughtered and have continuous daytime access to open-air runs, with vegetation, for at least half their lifetime.

Regulations are likely coming for milk and cows.

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