Crazy Mazie Hirono Maligns Millions of Catholics as Alt-Right


In a speech on the Senate floor on Wednesday, Jan. 16, man-hating Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) said Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) was embracing “the alt-right’s position” by introducing S. Res. 19, a resolution condemning religious tests for federal office and reaffirming Congress’ belief in religious liberty.

“If my colleague, the junior senator from Nebraska, wants to embrace the alt-right’s position by offering this resolution, that is his business,” Hirono said.

She maligned millions of Catholics and members of the Knights of Columbus as alt-right.

The resolution, which was sponsored by Sasse and which passed the Senate unanimously on Wednesday, expressed “the sense of the Senate that disqualifying a nominee to Federal office by membership in the Knights of Columbus violates the Constitution of the United States.”

The reason the resolution was passed is a result of actions by Hirono and Kamala Harris in December.

Hirono and fellow Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris in December harangued a Catholic judge for his membership in the organization. Both Hirono and Harris accused the Knights of sexism and trashed the organization for adhering to Catholic doctrine on the issues of gay marriage and abortion.

She wants a religious test for jobs, and you can’t be on the right or a Catholic as far as she is concerned.

Hirono has in the past called Republican Senators “white supremacists.”

The mad leftist doubled down Wednesday on what she and Harris said in December.

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