Dems Didn’t Give the Pandemic Prosecutor a Budget – A Huge Scandal


Joe Biden made a big splash of hiring a pandemic prosecutor earlier this year after it was discovered that hundreds of billions of dollars the government spent on the pandemic was doled out in bogus payments. This is a huge scandal ignored by most media.

Top House Republicans have now discovered that there’s no money in the budget for the pandemic prosecutor to continue his investigations of bogus payments.

The deputy associate deputy attorney general Kevin Chambers was tapped for the post. He was given hundreds of cases to pursue right at the start.

Of the 1.9 trillion package last year as much as 40% was given out in fraud and bogus payments from unemployment benefits.

While the Justice Department has brought hundreds of criminal cases, it has failed to get the big money back. So far it has recovered 90 million including fines and penalties out of hundreds of billions.

The CBO says the government will be spending this pandemic money into the 2030s [under the same loose rules]. Democrats said they wanted to err on the side of speed due to the emergency. That didn’t work very well.

When Biden came into office, he had a trillion dollars to spend on COVID. Before he even spent it, he passed another $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. He then had 2.9 trillion to spend and as much as 40% went out fraudulently on some or most of it. Where did the money go? It has caused enormous inflation.


It looks like our Attorney General is paying lip service to retrieving the lost funds. If it’s not the case, it would be nice to have answers. Top Republicans are trying to get the answers.

Ranking House Republicans sent a letter to attorney general Merrick Garland on Tuesday calling for answers.

The letter was signed by House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith of Missouri, along with House Judiciary Committee Republican Leader Jim Jordan of Ohio, House Small Business Committee Republican Leader Blaine Luetkemeyer of Missouri and House Ways and Means Committee Republican Leader Kevin Brady of Texas.

Garland usually doesn’t answer letters from Republicans. So, don’t hold your breath for a response from him or Democrats. You’ll die.


It is estimated that 40% of it went to foreign enemies.

Tens of billions of dollars were sent to fraudsters working with China and Russia, The Washington Times reports.

Haywood Talcove, CEO for LexisNexis Risk Solutions’ government division, says 40% of the more than $700 billion spent on unemployment went to fraudsters. Most of it, $175 billion, went to overseas operatives.

“It makes me mad that there hasn’t been enough oversight, that the tools that are needed when you’re distributing this type of money aren’t in place,” Mr. Talcove told The Washington Times. “It allows our adversaries, the Russians, the Chinese, the Nigerians, the Romanians, to use that money to hurt our country.”


Letter to Attorney General Garland 5.31.22 by Maura on Scribd

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