What is more dangerous than an internal mole working feverishly to befoul the integrity of a presidential election?
~ James Woods
The Left’s favorite disgraced FBI agent is back to rewrite history. Strzok tweeted yesterday: Not so long ago we’d joke about who would ever answer “Yes” to the question “Have you EVER knowingly engaged in activities designed to overthrow the U.S. Government by force?” on security clearance paperwork. Remarkable how fast the unthinkable can become commonplace.
Strzok was referring to the J6 fake insurrection.
That is so ironic given his attempts to overthrow the United States government under Donald Trump.
Arrogant FBI counterintelligence investigator Peter Strzok, who was at the heart of all major Russia, Flynn, Hillary investigations, texted that he hated Republicans, Congress, the President and his followers.
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He admired Hillary Clinton and wanted her to win the election. Peter Strzok knew Hillary Clinton was corrupt and felt he needed to “fix it.” He never even examined her emails on the private server.
This man with tremendous power saw himself as the guardian of the United States, protecting it from the “menace” Donald Trump.
Furthermore, his plan matched that of Andy – Andrew McCabe – in a plot to keep President Trump from winning office [or perhaps, get him impeached should he win].
Peter Strzok wrote to then-mistress Lisa Page in one tweet [this is after he started investigating Russia]:
“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office – that there’s no way he [Trump] gets elected – but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk.” writes FBI counterintelligence officer Peter Strzok to FBI lawyer Lisa Page, with whom he was having an extramarital affair while spearheading both the Clinton email inquiry and the early Trump-Russia probe, adding “It’s like a life insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”
Page apparently didn’t think Trump could win but Strzok couldn’t take that chance and needed an insurance policy to make sure he didn’t. We don’t need to explain what an “insurance police” might be.
Strzok significantly altered General Flynn’s 302 to make him appear guilty of lying. Yet, the FBI wrote at first that they found “no derogatory information” on Flynn. Strzok ordered the Flynn investigation to remain open with no evidence so he could misuse it later.
Strzok and Page discussed attempts to recruit sources within the White House to allegedly spy on the Trump administration. They already had one at the time.
He leaked to the press to destroy Trump.
This from someone who literally was engaged to in activities designed to overthrow the U.S. Government. https://t.co/ZYdS2g0DDI
— Jesse R. Binnall (@jbinnall) November 14, 2021
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