DJT to Block Sale of US Steel to Japan: Buy Made in USA Again


“Something rare to see these days… MADE IN USA.

President-elect Trump threatened to block a foreign company from buying US Steel. He said he is wholeheartedly against the purchase.

“I am totally against the once great and powerful U.S. Steel being bought by a foreign company, in this case Nippon Steel of Japan.”

“As President, I will block this deal from happening. Buyer Beware!!!”

Donald Trump is very serious about keeping industry in the United States, especially industries important to national security.

We have sold farmland and port security to Chinese Communists, Middle Easterners, and other foreigners.

Japan Wants to Buy US Steel

We’ve heard this story before. A foreign company buys a key US company, ending with Americans losing jobs and towns deteriorating. In this case, steel is critical to US national security. This administration is letting the United States get sold for parts. What happened to the Made in America that Joe Biden promised?

Now, in this case, US steel is only being sold to a Japanese company, Nippon, and allegedly, all labor agreements will be kept. About 3700 people are employed by US Steel in the greater Pittsburgh area, but not everyone is convinced, since i10t never works that way.

Pennsylvania senator Jim Brewster said, “I will fight any loss of one job.”

“They’re being bought by a foreign entity; it is out of our hands,” another state senator said.

Senator John Fetterman says he’s going to try to block the deal.

Farms and Ports to Foreigners

In 2022, CNN reported that Middle Eastern mega-farms are sucking up US water and causing worse drought problems in Arizona and other US states. While Arizona’s La Paz County was experiencing its worst drought in 1,200 years, as are other areas in the state and Southwestern region of the United States, foreign-owned farms growing crops requiring extensive amounts of water, such as alfalfa, are being blamed for the dry spell.

Mideast mega-farms are sucking up the groundwater. Groundwater is so vital to the dry regions of our country.

Drinking water for homes and schools is going to foreigners who own the farmland.

Almarai Company, which operates under its subsidiary, Fondomonte, in the US, owns approximately 10,000 acres of farmland in Vicksburg and is one of the biggest dairy suppliers in the Gulf. The Saudi-backed company also owns nearly 3,500 acres in Southern California, another popular mass agricultural spot in America, and uses water from the Colorado River to nurture its crops.

We all know about Chinese communists buying up farms near US military installations. There are also concerns about Chinese influence in US ports.

Some of the Chinese communist nationals use the farms to grow pot and drug our children.

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