Hispanic Vote Moving in Trump’s Direction


For a party that rails about saving democracy, the Democrat Party is doing a good job of making the election undemocratic. They are attempting to imprison the Republican Party candidate using lawfare while keeping RFK Jr. off the ballot. So far, RFK Jr is on the ballot in Utah. He says he has enough signatures to get on the ballot in Hawaii, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, and Idaho. In Nevada, he will take significant numbers of votes from Biden, and Arizona will be the same.

It isn’t likely that Biden will only lose the Latino vote in two states. It could be across the board.

The undemocratic Democrat Party is throwing Jews under the bus in a big way to keep Muslims voting for Biden in Michigan and Wisconsin. They are confident they will never lose the Jewish vote. However, Biden’s administration has allegedly abandoned Israel as Iran threatens to retaliate against them. Blinken also says Israel is becoming like Hamas.

RFK is trying to get on the ballot in all fifty states.


Some polls, like NPR, show RFK taking votes from Donald Trump, but that’s hard to believe. It’s hard to imagine Republican or Libertarian voters selecting RFK after he picked a radical progressive with no experience at much of anything as a running mate.

A new Rasmussen Report found that Hispanics favor Donald Trump over Joe Biden 43-31. They favor RFK Jr. by 14% in a three-way race. This is very bad news for Joe Biden, who is also losing the youth. Although, he is hoping to buy their vote with college loan forgiveness.

In just four years, Hispanics have swung twelve points from Democrat to Joe Biden.


Trump is picking up in the swing states except for Wisconsin.

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