Judge indefinitely stops Biden’s ban on deportations, but it won’t matter


District Judge Drew Tipton, who issued a temporary ban on Biden’s 100-day moratorium on deportations, has now issued an indefinite one. He issued a preliminary injunction on enforcement of the ban late Tuesday. The report comes from the NY POST.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued to block the ban on deportations, claiming it was “unconstitutional” and would cause substantial economic hardships on the Lone Star State to carry it out.

Tipton, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, in January temporarily blocked Biden’s order for 14 days because it faile​d​ “to provide any concrete, reasonable justification for the 100-day pause.”

Legally that’s great, but in practice, 3,000 to 3,500 people are pouring in illegally daily. To compound that, Biden sent out a memo making it nearly impossible to deport people, even most criminals.

ICE can only deport people who pose a threat to national security, who have crossed over since November 1, or who are a threat and have aggravated felonies. Meanwhile, ICE takes all of them to bus stations.

There goes Texas. These people will vote Democratic when they get amnesty.

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