#MeToo reporter, also targeted over politics, works for Newsmax


A face of the #MeToo movement, Mark Halperin, is now a host on Newsmax. Five women accused him of sexual harassment, then up to a dozen during the so-called #MeToo era. While he admitted pursuing them, he at first denied the more scurrilous accusations. Later he apologized for his behavior but said it stopped at ABC. One woman allowed CNN to use her name.

Halperin was suspended in 2011 for a month after ‘slurring’ Barack Obama on Morning Joe, claiming the president came off as “kind of a dick” during the presser the day before.

That was June 30th, and by December of that year, communist Salon put him on their ‘Hack List’ for reporting that was “shallow and predictable” as well as “both fixated solely on the horse race and also uniquely bad at analyzing the horse race.”

The far-left Washington Posts Dana Milbank called Halperin’s analysis in the 2016 United States presidential campaign “soulless” and “amoral,” and cited several instances where Halperin praised Republican nominee Donald Trump.

In far-far-left The New Republic, Alex Shephard criticized his coverage for being overly focused on the horse race and for shallow analysis.

Conversely, Benjamin Wallace-Wells of The far-far-left New Yorker writes that Halperin’s The Circus is “both an argument for horse-race journalism and a way to see its inner workings, and so to track Heilemann and Halperin in their long traipse across the American interior is to see the media discovering its own vulnerabilities, just as Trump was exploiting them.”

In November 2016, Brian Williams, the father of fake news, said Halperin had “gone out of his way” to give Trump favorable coverage.

Mr. Halperin was a harsh critic of Mrs. Clinton, painting her as ruthless and corrupt while surprisingly easy on Mr. Trump. Hillary felt he, Charlie Rose, and Matt Lauer cost her the election. It was one of the dozens upon dozens of accusations against people who allegedly cost her the election.

Democrats love to accuse their targets of racism and sexual harassment more than anything. Other attacks against opponents include Islamophobia, anti-LGBT, and more, but the first two are favorites.

Were the women, almost all anonymous, and as reported by CNN, encouraged to embellish their stories? According to Halperin, at least at first, he just flirted or asked them out. Then he admitted he had a problem while at ABC News, apologized, and was fired from all his gigs at NBC/MSNBC. He admitted he “mistreated” women, was “crude” and “aggressive.”

In a statement provided to CNN as that news came out after CNN’s initial story about Halperin was published, ABC News said, “Mark left ABC News over a decade ago, and no complaints were filed during his tenure.”

Halperin lives with a girlfriend and Newsmax has given him a chance to redeem himself. How much redemption he needs, we can’t say. The incidents happened years ago, but only became known after he failed to mimic the company line.

Everyone deserves a second chance.

This was his statement in which he admits some are true and others are not:

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