More Anti-Free Speech Threats from the EU to Elon Musk


One of the European Union’s unelected commissioners, Thierry Breton threatened Elon Musk, insisting that Musk must make sure the platform continues censoring content or face the wrath of Brussels.

After Breton made the threat, an MEP argued the opposite and said the EU doesn’t want free speech.

In a statement provided by the MEP Tom Vandendriessche to Breitbart, he supported Musk’s public goals and added that the EU is threatening democracy through its harsh regime of outsourced censorship.

“The EU does not want free speech,” the Flemish MEP said. “That is dangerous for their system.”

“They therefore want to ‘outsource’ censorship to private players,” he continued. “They call that ‘taking responsibility’, but it is nothing less than flat censorship.”

The European Commission, he argued, only appears interested in regulation that will enforce its own censorship regime.

“Big Tech manages our communications, private data, preferences and even a vital part of our democracy,” he said. “It is precisely this that Big Tech selectively restricts through arbitrary censorship.”

“Elon Musk said that for him freedom of expression online should run parallel to the law,” he continued. “This means that what is legal offline must also be legal online.”


The EU Commission recently reached a deal to “more aggressively police the Internet.”  They will require social media platforms to more aggressively police their platforms than ever before. The deal might include eIDs – universal IDs.

The EU Commission claims it will ensure that online platforms are held responsible for tackling harmful content. The DSA, which will combine with legislation in individual countries, is meant to be a huge threat. It will give rise to a fully-fledged Ministry of Truth.

The EU wants to allegedly tame the Internet “Wild West”.


The UK, along with the EU, warned Elon Musk to censor speech.

Elon Musk said he will follow the laws of the nation Twitter is in.

The people don’t agree with the elites by and large — 62% of the American people support the Musk takeover of Twitter and his free speech goals. Only 13% are opposed.

The West is lost. They don’t even know what democracy is.

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