Navy Is Now Accepting Recruits Without a HS Diploma or GED

128 reports that because the number of recruits for the woke Armed Services is falling below quotas, the standards have been lowered again. Now, recruits can join the Navy without a high school diploma or a GED.

Under the new plan, Navy recruits without an education credential can join if they score 50 or above on the qualification test, which is out of 99. The last time the service took individuals without education credentials was in 2000.

Fifty out of one hundred sounds low.

“We get thousands of people into our recruiting stations every year that want to join the Navy but do not have an education credential. And we just turn them away,” Vice Adm. Rick Cheeseman, the Navy’s chief of personnel, told The Associated Press on Friday.

They need them for their military-industrial complex. reports that ” in December 2022, they brought in many recruits who scored very low on the Armed Services Qualification Test. ”

They’re blaming the dwindling number of recruits on the pandemic and a tight job market, but maybe treating white men like second-class citizens and forcing bizarre pronouns on them could have some impact.


The Secretary of Defense, on Joe Biden’s orders, investigated the Armed Forces looking for domestic terrorists and found nothing. They claimed some soldiers wanted to overthrow the government, constantly mentioning J6, with the suggestion being Trump supporters are the guilty ones. An investigation trying to find these terrorists among political opponents sends a terrible message even though they didn’t find the terrorists.

They removed some National Guard from the Capitol after J6 without cause.

According to a report, reasons for removal from the National Guard at the Capitol can be based on social media posts that contained references to former president Trump’s slogan MAGA (Make America Great Again), KAG (Keep America Great), displaying American revolutionary paraphernalia such as the Gadsen Flag, and membership or association with Turning Point USA and Young Americans for Freedom, pro-Trump Republican organizations for college and high school students). Also, reasons for removal include NRA membership.

Democrats claim all whites are white supremacists and privileged. That’s a problem.

Since Republicans tend to be patriotic and commonly join the service, this treatment might have discouraged a lot of people who would have joined out of love of country.

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