Officer Tatum on thug killers of Officer French raised by a ‘toxic mom’


The late Officer French and her partner Officer Yanez, who is in a hospital with a bullet in his head, were shot at a traffic stop. Officer French was known for her good work in the community.

Neither officer had their guns drawn when they went up to the vehicle.

Two brothers shot the officers and in this clip, Officer Tatum unleashes on the toxic single mom who raised them to be thugs.

The thug mom is out making excuses for “her boys,” claiming “there’s another side.” She wasn’t there and they have tattoos up the face, bought an illegal gun, and shot the police.

Officer Tatum wants to call her a “sorry bish.”

“Slutty Mama” slutting it up with baby Daddies who aren’t there because they’re in prison or she’s a “toxic woman.” She’s going to try to make money off it.

Her series of lies included her claims her boys were afraid and she’s afraid.

Officer Tatum played a clip of her hysterical reaction in the hospital.

It’s a really good video.


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