Oh, Look, Lincoln Project Grifters Tone Down the Rhetoric


Just kidding. They’re churning the volume up, way up. The pedos of the Lincoln Project called Donald Trump Hitler three days after he barely escaped death.

The video ad asks: if you could kill baby Hitler, would you?

Trump’s day one dictatorship comment was a joke! He promised to close the border and open up drilling.


In comparison, Biden actually did establish a dictatorship from the beginning. Let’s go back to 2021.

Joe Biden essentially said he would rule by fiat from the first days of his presidency, only he meant it. He announced that he had a list of executive orders waiting.

Among them are the Paris Climate Accord [which is actually a treaty], reversing the Muslim ban [there is no Muslim ban; we just keep terror nations from flooding our nation], extending eviction restrictions and pauses of student loans, and issuing a federal mask mandate [why?], according to Bloomberg.

Biden has illegally “forgiven” college loans at taxpayer expense.

His administration destroyed our borders right from the beginning. Biden said he would overturn Trump’s border enforcement policies, resulting in open borders. And he did it.

The administration invented 32 pathways for illegals to come in. He has also given amnesty right and left to encourage more illegal immigration.

He really wants to take our guns away and pledged executive action on gun control. Biden also used third parties to lock us down, force us into masks, and mandate vaccines. he wouldn’t let Granny travel, but illegal aliens were allowed to pour in unvaccinated.

Now, he and his Democrats want to destroy the Third Branch of Government, force wealth taxes, and rent control.


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