OMG Exposes the Global NGO Flooding Our Border with US $$$


James O’Keefe reports that US government funding accounts for almost half of the International Rescue Committee’s budget, which means taxpayers are mostly footing the bill for this unrestricted migration. 

A new video exposé by journalist James O’Keefe looks at a facility in Arizona allegedly run by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) ( serving as a transportation center, shuttling illegal immigrants [so-called refugees] to the nearby Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport every hour on the hour.

From there, the illegal immigrants can board flights to other cities across the United States. The IRC is an enormous, globalist non-governmental organization (NGO) with a total 2021 budget of over $1 billion.

We keep hearing how angry blue city mayors are with Gov. Abbott for transporting some to the sanctuary cities, but Biden’s administration is the real culprit.

Hardcore leftist David Miliband, former British Foreign Minister, member of the Labour Party, and oft-tapped future UK Prime Minister, currently serves as its president, reports National Pulse.

According to The National Pulse, in 2021 alone, the IRC received $415 million in U.S. taxpayer dollars through government grants. Agencies that fund the group include the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration ($178 million), the Department of Health and Human Services ($123 million), and the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance ($114 million). In addition to the U.S. government, the European Union gave the IRC $75 million in 2021.

We are paying for our own destruction – the end of our sovereignty, citizenship, and rights. That includes all Americans, black or white.

Once at the facility, an employee offered him a bribe to “say nothing.”

Thomas Robles, who appears to be in charge, called O’Keefe a “domestic terrorist” before contacting the local sheriff’s office. Robles was executive director of the far-left open borders group Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA).

The vast, secretive networks of NGOs and non-profit groups that are aiding and abetting the non-stop flow of illegal immigrants into the United States make it difficult to figure out the border crisis’s actual cost to American taxpayers. Many of these groups receive lucrative government grants and act as unofficial extensions of the Biden government. We pay for our demise.

The people coming in might vote. This fellow says he will vote for Biden.

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