PV Board Pretends They Never Tried to Oust James O’Keefe


The backlash over James O’Keefe facing removal as Chair of Project Veritas probably had an effect. After innumerable threats by followers and donors to abandon Project Veritas if they fired O’Keefe, the Board put out an announcement suggesting he’s not going anywhere.

The Board had sixteen disgruntled staff members, about a third of the staff, who said they represented far more staff. Mr. O’Keefe might be a tough boss. But there are other jobs. However, it’s hard to imagine Project Veritas surviving without him. He is the founder, and he is Project Veritas.

Many believe some on the Board staged a coup.

While this went down, James O’Keefe was on a “voluntary” leave of absence for two weeks to take a much-needed vacation.

Project Veritas released the following statement in part:

At Project Veritas, we believe in radical transparency coupled with respect, empathy, and honesty.

A few weeks ago, a number of our staff members provided leadership with some verbal feedback describing real management concerns regarding the treatment of people and our internal processes.

This prompted the board to solicit feedback from additional staff members, and that internal letter was leaked. The narrative that is being portrayed by referencing this letter is patently false. James has not been removed from Project Veritas. Nowhere in that letter was there ever a suggestion to remove James from the organization.

This makes me gag a bit.

There’s more. It doesn’t say he’s not going to be removed. It claims he was never removed. We think it means he’s staying.

Look at the ridiculous tweet they posted, pretending what happened didn’t happen.

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