Report UN Plans to Bring 100M Foreigners Into the US


Lara Logan reports that her source told her the UN plans to bring 100 million people into the United States. The globalist plan is to make us a North American union instead of a sovereign nation.

The UN is currently handling the screening of immigrants and takes USAID to bring people in illegally.

Lara Logan said it is the “Push-Pull Strategy,” where they push people out of these countries, where it’s unbearable living like this and they pull them into the United States. Biden’s invasion at the southern border is the next step in global government.



While this sounds crazy, it’s no crazier than CRT, gender ideology, 1619, tearing statues down, open borders, spending until the economy crashes, destroying US energy, etc.

A North American Union is allegedly a conspiracy theory. However, there are Democrats who support the idea.

The North American Union (NAU) is a theoretical economic and political union of Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Barack Obama is a strong proponent.

Some globalists want a North American Union to make more money and control the masses. The union they want would slowly replace our current union. A North American passport would replace the United States passport, including the citizens of Canada and Mexico.

It will allow people to travel freely back and forth across Canada, the United States, and Mexico as if there were no borders, but they claim it won’t erase borders. Foreigners can live and work anywhere in the United States, but they claim it won’t destroy our sovereignty.

The idea is being sold via a leftist group called The New America Foundation. It’s funded in part by socialist George Soros. They have a website called ‘A New America.’

In their view, borders and sovereignty get in the way of ‘trade, immigration, diplomacy, and innovation.’


In her speeches to bankers when she last ran for the presidency, Hillary spoke of open free trade in the Northern Hemisphere, including the narco and Communist states in Central America and South America. Her husband is the person who pushed for a European Union.

Hillary has also said those who want to limit immigration are “fundamentally unAmerican.”

In Podesta Email 1459, Progressives hawked a movie to create a burst of economic explosion for a North American Union similar to the one Reagan created when he went to Berlin and said, “Tear down this wall.”

For the purpose of the film, at least, they are pretending we stole the land from Mexico. Look up LaReconquista.

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