So Confused! Andrea Mitchell Says No Congresspeople Are Socialists


Major liar and potential crackhead Andrea Mitchell, who leftists think is an outstanding reporter, said none of these far-far-left congresspeople are socialists. In fact, all four of the squad members admit they are Democratic Socialists.

The ‘democratic’ in democratic socialists is a fraud by the way. It only means you get to vote once, maybe twice, for your oppressors.

Could she possibly believe this or is she just trying to make anti-Trump news?

Andrea Mitchell is a very confused individual. She has in the past compared illegal aliens to Holocaust victims and blamed Trump for House candidate Gianforte body-slamming an opponent.

She lied on air and called Brenda Snipes a Republican. Snipes is the notoriously crooked Broward Country official who was monkeying with the votes.

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