This Is How Biden Gets to 81 Million Votes Again


House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) appeared on Fox Business Network’s Mornings with Maria Bartiromo. He explained why we have open borders. It also explains why every Democrat in power supports it, even to the destruction of our country.

“I genuinely believe that originally the idea was to bring people in, open the border, have the flow come in, and turn them into voters; there’s no other reason that seems to make sense.”

They will vote!

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM. 24th March 2022. Joe Biden, President of United States of America, during press conference after NATO extraordinary SUMMIT 2022.

Americans were repeatedly told that this was a conspiracy theory or we are all racists. The people coming in are all refugees or asylum seekers, and they are our “New Americans.” We must take care of them.

There are far more illegal migrants than 11 million or even the 22 million that Yale and MIT came up with. Many are terrorists, criminals, and deadbeats.


In 2014, a peer-reviewed article by Jesse T. Richman and Gushan A. Chattha of Old Dominion University and David C. Earnest of George Mason University estimated that about 25 percent of non-citizens were registered to vote in 2008 and 2010. Moreover, they suggest that as many as 2.8 million of them voted.

The article was published in the online version of Electoral Studies on September 21 — about five weeks before Election Day. They were immediately demonized.

Richman and Earnest wrote a lengthy response to their critics in the Washington Post:

One line of criticism focuses on the risk of misrepresentation, response error, or click-through on the survey — the chance that individuals might err when they report that they are non-citizens, registered to vote, or a voter in U.S. elections.

In anticipation of the objection that the CCES subsample was not representative of non-citizens in the United States, our article includes an appendix that evaluates the validity of non-citizen self-reports. Michael Tesler offered a perceptive rejoinder that used the 2010-2012 panel CCES survey to generate test-rest reliability measures for the non-citizen voting response.

The test of reliability

Tesler found that about 81 percent of self-reported non-citizens in 2012 had indicated they were non-citizens in 2010.  This opens an opportunity to focus on these most reliably estimated to be non-citizens. For the 85 respondents who said they were non-citizens in both 2010 and 2012 to actually be citizens would require them to have made the same mistake both years. Either there is systematic bias in the CCES instrument — which raises uncomfortable questions about the validity of other CCES measures, as well — or all or nearly all of these 85 respondents meant to respond that they are non-citizens.

These “consistent” non-citizens give us a special sample that can test the reliability of the data. If, as some have suggested, responses by self-reported non-citizens that they voted are the result of citizens accidentally claiming to be non-citizens, we should see almost no self-reported votes by consistent non-citizens, or that they vote at a lower level than the overall sample of self-reported non-citizens. However, 10 of the 85 consistent non-citizens indicated that “I definitely voted in the General Election” in 2012: a turnout rate of 11.7 percent. Indeed, this rate is on par with the highest point estimates reported in our article, providing support for our finding that some non-citizens report voting in U.S. elections.

Non-citizen voters have incentives to misrepresent either their citizenship status or their voting status…

81 Million Votes

These illegal aliens pouring in are going to vote, and they will vote for Joe Biden. That’s how he gets 81 million votes. Don’t forget a recent poll has one out of five admitting they cheated in the 2020 election thanks to loosey-goosey voting with mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, vote buying, and other schemes. Illegals have driver’s licenses, photo IDs, and election monitors who look away.

Democrats don’t care if they have a base of terrorists, criminals, and deadbeats as long as they stay in power and never have to negotiate on their bad policies ever again.

They are voting.

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