‘Batshit crazy meth…mobs’ from WI to OR to DC escalate


Author, TV commentator Michelle Malkin calls the rioters destroying our major cities “batshit crazy meth monkey mobs” and she has a point. The sociopaths, who seem to have endless funds, are escalating. They are now talking murder and some attempted to burn police officers alive in Seattle this week. Police are abused in our major cities and the city fathers have not responded appropriately. Their support is for the rioters.


Minneapolis devolved into riots again this week after a black man killed himself. Rumors went around that it was a police involved shooting although it wasn’t. That was the excuse for looting and property destruction.

To give you an example of how sociopathic they are, take the way they treat the police. The rioters in Minneapolis hit an officer with a metal trash can lid. He was barely conscious as he fell to the ground. That brought cheers from the lunatics. This is disgraceful, but this is what the city leaders think is acceptable abuse of the police.


They’re also racists. Communists are always racists in the end, no matter how much they claim otherwise.


On Wednesday, Seattle rioters tried to burn police alive. The rioters in various cities are now trying to outdo one another. They’re escalating in the face of lax prosecutorial and administrative leadership and no repercussions.

In this case, there were some arrests.

The rioters are showing up at the home of the President of the Seattle Police Offers Guild, threatening him:


Then there’s Kenosha and the ‘mostly peaceful protests‘ as CNN reporters would say:

At the same time, you have clueless dingbats reporting fake news to Americans:

The residents of Kenosha are very afraid, and they should be. Currently, federal officers have Kenosha under control. Other blue cities will not accept help from the President.


We reported earlier about the mob that attacked Ron Paul, his wife, and two friends, but it’s only just begun. He described a pretty horrific situation.

Somehow, these thousands of people have the money to take over D.C. for the weekend, allegedly in honor of MLK Jr.

They’re traveling from all over:
Here’s more of the sociopaths:

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