Monkeypox Declared a Global Health Emergency As WHO Tries to Usurp Sovereignty of 194 Nations


The WHO (World Health Organization) declared a pox – monkeypox – a global health emergency. The current wave is spread predominantly by gay men having sex with multiple partners.

Tedros Adhamoom Ghebreyesus allegedly hopes to rule the world on the back of the pox?

The World Health Organization has activated its highest alert for the growing monkeypox outbreak, declaring the virus a public health emergency of international concern.

No mandates yet, BUT it serves as an urgent call for action, says CNBC. The outlet laments, “The WHO can only issue guidance and recommendations to its member states, not mandates. Member states are required to report events that pose a threat to global health.

Is that a hint that they want the WHO to have more power? The WHO has a terrifying power grab in mind come November when they meet again.

We have reported three times – here, here, and here – about the dangerous, frightening, and most important story getting little coverage. It concerns the loss of the sovereignty of the United States and 193 other nations.

Some say that scary-looking pox is the best way to frighten and control the world. What say you?

There are many reasons we can see the WHO making this a world emergency; chief among them is the WHO’s desire to rule the world in the case of pandemics.

The WHO last issued a global health emergency in January 2020 in response to the Covid-19 outbreak. They also acted dishonestly, favoring the narrative fed to them by Maoist China. Now they have the pox.

Europe is the epicenter of the outbreak. Right now, men who have sex with men are the community at the highest risk, CNBS says. However, there are a lot of gay men in New York City, and there is an ever-growing outbreak in the city.

The WHO chief said the global risk is moderate, but the threat is high in Europe.

The WHO chief said that monkeypox is unlikely to disrupt international trade or travel right now. That’s only for now. The pox is still spreading. China will love that.

This is just in time for the November elections in the US. We noticed the Left is putting mask mandates back in quite a few entities without any science to back it up.

Why don’t they tell gay men to lock down over this pox?

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