The ACLU’s Complex Plot to Stop Deportations


This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. The ACLU will fight Donald Trump’s deportations in cities in all 50 states.

They vow to protect illegal immigrants and protestors [criminals, terrorists, bottom feeders].

“We’ve got lawyers in all 50 states, and we will be joining forces with other civil rights organizations and with governors and mayors who are in American communities and want to stand with us against this right-wing extremism,” an ACLU official states below.

Having immigration laws is now “right-wing extremism.” That’s divisive. Illegal immigration is not political.

Since massive illegal immigration began, violent crime has been up in cities by about 43%. Data Analyst and former DOJ researcher Professor Lott found legal immigrants commit fewer crimes than citizens, but illegal immigrants commit far more.

The ACLU President Anthony Romero admits they plan to use lawfare to force local elected officials to “sever relationships” with the federal government and pardon millions of illegal migrants to shield them from deportation.

They are preparing executive orders and want officials to close off prisons to the federal government.

The ACLU Deputy Director vows to legally stop Donald Trump invoking The Alien Enemies Act to mass deport illegal migrants. He says what’s happened is not an invasion, it’s immigration.

They’ve been preparing for a year to block Trump if he were to win. “There’s no invasion. These are immigrants looking for safety, looking for a better life.”

Does that include the cartels, sex traffickers, drug traffickers, and radical terrorist enablers starting trouble in our cities? Why should any bottom feeders such as communists be allowed in to steal our funds and resources?

The Communist ACLU

The ACLU, which allegedly gets taxpayer funds, is un-American. They have sued the federal government to set no limits to fake asylum seekers. The only thing people from around the world have to say is they are asylum seekers, and they can come into the country.

They call America Native Land and Stolen Land, and immigration laws “hateful.”

The ACLU, with Soviet roots, has done everything in its power to damage this country. They now admit they are Progressive activists.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is a leftist, secular-progressive organization with deep ties to communism. It was run for its first 30 years by an American named Roger Baldwin, who helped found it in 1920. Baldwin supported communism but later denounced it in his book, A New Slavery, which condemned “the inhuman communist police state tyranny.”

It is now guided by soft communism.

They, along with leftist judges, run the country as if the Progressive Democrats won the election.


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