This Is Why Socialist Democrats Call the US a “Democracy” & You a “Threat”


When Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama talk about “democracy” and threats to democracy, they are talking about socialism. The don’t mean a Constitutional Republic. They make a point of never calling it a Constitutional Republic. They only call it a democracy. There is a reason for that, and the video clip below explains why. And a Sen. Lee op-ed excerpt below explains the difference.

George Bush is now working in tandem with Barack Obama on our “democracy.” Mitt Romney said a couple of years ago that firing Obama IGs threatens “accountable democracy.” Obama spent years claiming talk radio, Fox News, and Republicans threatened our democracy. Michelle Obama called the US a constitutional democracy. That is what Obama called it, a constitutional democracy, while he also talked about transforming us.

Biden’s now-infamous fire and brimstone speech called Republicans a “threat to democracy.” Most of the Democrats called Republicans a “threat to democracy.” Republicans see Democrats as a “threat to the Constitutional Republic.

Republicans are a threat to Socialist Democrats and the Socialist Democracy they envision.


The following is an excerpt from an op-ed by constitutionalist, Sen. Mike Lee of Utah.

Insofar as “democracy” means “a political system in which government derives its powers from the consent of the governed,” then of course that accurately describes our system. But the word conjures far more than that. It is often used to describe rule by majority, the view that it is the prerogative of government to reflexively carry out the will of the majority of its citizens.

Our system of government is best described as a constitutional republic. Power is not found in mere majorities, but in carefully balanced power. Under our Constitution, passing a bill in the House of Representatives—the body most reflective of current majority views—isn’t enough for it to become law. Legislation must also be passed by the Senate—where each state is represented equally (regardless of population), where members have longer terms, and where (under current rules) a super-majority vote is typically required to bring debate to a close. Thomas Jefferson described the Senate as the “saucer” that cools hot passions more prevalent in the House. It’s where consensus is forged, as senators reach compromise across regional, cultural, and partisan lines.

Once passed by both houses of Congress, a bill still doesn’t become a law until it’s signed (or acquiesced to) by the president—who of course is elected not by popular national vote, but by the electoral college of the states.

And then, at last, the Supreme Court—a body consisting not of elected officials, but rather individuals appointed to lifetime terms—has the power to strike down laws that violate the Constitution. What could be more undemocratic?

As I said in a follow-up Tweet, democracy itself is not the goal. The goal is freedom, prosperity, and human flourishing.

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