James S. Soviero

Google Exec to “Evil” GOP, “F*** You All to Hell”, James Woods Responds

Contributor James Soviero A Google executive has a message for Republicans after the Kavanaugh confirmation -- "F*** you all". The tolerant leftist claims Republicans will “descend into the flames” since they are “treasonous” and “evil”. This guy's...

Do As I Say, Not As I Do Kim Schrier

Contributed by Sentinel writer Jim Soviero Kim Schrier is the Democratic candidate running in Washington's 8th congressional district. One of the issues she promotes on her website is healthcare is a 'human right'. In fact, here's...

ICE in Action! You Don’t Want to Abolish Them

Contributor James Soviero Democrats increasingly demand ICE be abolished. It would end internal law enforcement. Just to give you an idea of what that would mean, check out ICE in action. In a 30-day enforcement action...

Supporters of ‘Revered’ Democrat Party ‘Rock Star’ Maxine Burn U.S. Flag

Contributor James Soviero As Republican officials were being chased out of restaurants and intimidated in their homes by radical Democrats, Maxine Waters was out telling them, her supporters, to do more of it. Recently, Maxine told...