Italian Farmers, Perhaps the World, Join the Dutch Farmer’s Rebellion


To become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them.

– Montesquieu

The Farmer’s Rebellion in The Netherlands is the result of globalism gone too far. It’s the embodiment of it and it is what the future has in store if the West continues down this path. Globalism has come to mean the erasing of borders and national institutions, replacing them with a centralized dictatorship in world organizations.

Whether this revolt is going to become worldwide or have any impact, we can’t say, but, for now, it is growing.

Countries that are employing the practices are most exemplified in Canada, the US, Britain, The Netherlands, and others.

One of the tactics is to use extremist views of climate change to control even the food we eat.


The EU – World Economic Forum (WEF) – plan to shut down farms over nitrogen emissions has caused the very liberal people of The Netherlands to rise up. That angst has reached Italy. Some farmers are heading for Rome in their tractors.

It’s not only the Dutch who will lose half of their farms. The suggestion to use the Nitrogen Policy to shut down 50% of the farming and cull herds by 25% came from Klaus Schwab, the WEF ruler.

What does the WEF think people will eat when the farms are gone?

People are starting to reject at least some of the policies. Emanuel Macron lost his majority in France, Boris Johnson imploded in the UK, Mario Draghi is under extreme pressure in Italy, Mark Rutte is meeting resistance in the Netherlands, Biden is barely hanging on, and Justin Trudeau is embroiled in several scandals in Canada. Perhaps we will see enough pushback against the ideas of the far-left World Economic Forum.

At the same time, the WEF is pushing for war with Russia and China. People might want an anti-war rebellion as well. No good will come of war with these nuclear nations.

Meanwhile, the farmers in The Netherlands are blocking food from getting to stores.

What is happening in The Netherlands is that the state will seize and shut down farms under the guise of affecting climate change. The Great Reset, which is real, is just another word for Global Communism.

German farmers along the border are joining the revolt, sympathizing with the Dutch

Polish farmers aren’t happy and are starting to rebel.

In Libya, the people are rioting over the horrendous living conditions.

Massacres and misery in Ethiopia.

Rebellion is expanding into the Balkans.

Japan lost its former Prime Minister.

Former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe died, at the age of 67, after being shot at a campaign event during a speech for the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. This took place in the city of Nara in western Japan on Friday. According to local media, a suspect has been arrested following the incident and remains in custody. The killer didn’t try to escape.

The suspected killer, who is seen on film shooting him, is unemployed 41-year-old Tetsuya Yamagami. He told officers he used a handmade gun.

Japan is a gun-free zone.

It’s unclear if this has any deep-seated meaning beyond one madman.

Ironically, Abe often spoke throughout his career about revising the Japanese Constitution to give the Japanese Self-Defense Forces (SDF) greater room to expand. On Friday, he was murdered in cold blood by an alleged member of the Self-Defense Forces, according to America First Report.

Abe wanted peace with Russia and China and pursued that goal with his foreign policy and initiatives.

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