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Biden adviser and CNN anchor cozy up to XI at China conference

CNN Host Fareed Zakaria and an adviser to Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign attended the recent Understanding China Conference. The conference included Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping. It also included high-level communist party...

Tucker exposes China’s global fraud & MSM’s collective guilt

Last night on Tucker Carlson Tonight, the host called out China for a global fraud that killed hundreds of thousands of people and deeply affected our US election. The MSM protected China and allowed...

AG conservative summarizes debunked claims of voter fraud

AG Conservative, a popular Twitter user, has summarized the debunking of a number of the claims of voter fraud that people should be aware of so they can decide for themselves. It's important to...

Wood & Powell say don’t vote R, some ask “…have you lost your freaking...

Lin Wood wants Georgians to stay home and not vote on January 5th for the two Republicans in the senatorial race, Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue. Sidney Powell also told all Georgians to stay...

Traitorous John Kerry declares Americans voted for The Great Reset

Speaking recently at the World Economic Forum (see video), John Kerry praised American citizens for supporting a “Great Reset” by electing Joe Biden. The Great Reset is treason. It's a neo-communist movement. He also seems...

Mac’s Public House protests tyrant Cuomo ruining lives in NY

On Tuesday, the co-owner of Mac's Public House in Staten Island was dragged away in handcuffs for opening up during the pandemic. The worthless lockdowns forced on King Cuomo's subjects are ruining lives and...

Data expert who testified in AZ for Trump team is banned by Twitter

After his poignant testimony at the Arizona hearing this week, Twitter permanently banned Bobby Piton, a data expert. At the hearing, he said he found that hundreds of thousands of “fake people” voted in Arizona...

Tolerant Rick Wilson calls for “humiliation, incarceration, suicides” of Trump supporters

Daily Beast editor-at-large Rick Wilson called for “humiliation,” “incarceration” and even “ritualistic suicides” of Trump supporters in an unhinged, deranged rant on the leftist website. Wilson is a key advisor to the Lincoln Project which was temporarily...

Trump lays out his fraud case: election system is “under coordinated assault and siege.”

President Trump laid out his voter fraud case today. He said his job as president is to defend the laws and Constitution of the United States and that he’s determined to protect the election system....

Former Dem organizer & another woman arrested for a terrorist attack on a railroad

The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force charged and arrested two women for a terrorist attack on a railroad in Bellingham, Washington. Ellen Brennan Reiche, 27, and Samantha Frances Brooks, 23, were arrested on Saturday night...